I Wish I Was Normal Written by Linda I had a dream that I could never forget. My dreams are always cryptic, foreboding, dark, and [...]
How Video Games Benefit My Mental Health Written by Linda “Being human totally sucks most of the time. Videogames are the only thing that make life [...]
The Girl with Two Selves Written by Jandy I am that girl they warn you about. Annoying, exhaustively talkative, mercurial, and [...]
When Anxiety Tells Me that I’m Unlovable If I were to have any superpower, what would that be? I’ve pondered this question many times and each time, [...]
Confessions of a Self-Harmer Written by Jandy When I was 6, I discovered that pinching myself helped my feelings go away. At 8 years old, [...]
Finding Mental Freedom Through the Darkness Written by Felicia Buckle I have this tattoo on my thigh people always ask me about. It is of a fierce, [...]