I am My Own Woman – Open Letter in Solidarity of #Metoo Dear Men, I am not your eye candy. My efforts to enhance my appearance are not clawing attempts to garner [...]
Men Live Better Lives Written by E I don’t understand why men are more likely to commit suicide, have a higher risk of [...]
Why We Throw Like Girls Growing up, my life was filled with parental aphorisms that defined and solidified my identity as a binary [...]
The Basic Bitch – Not Who You Think She Is Of all the puzzling lexicons circulating through social media, “Basic Bitch” is probably one with most [...]
Your Weight is Not a Measure of Morality I punished myself with a greasy bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich this morning. Last night, I set the alarm an [...]
I’m a Fat Woman and I Think Tess Holliday Needs to Shut the Hell Up Written by the Great Devotchka, culinary wiz, blogger, and pastry chef. Read her other work here. It [...]